Hi every body!
Thank you for inviting to the new blog , I find this new space good for sharing the thoughts of the inside artist in all of us and I will try to contribute something enjoyable. The caption Artomania, yes, a good thought has gone into it.I take this opportunity to invite everybody to visit the site on Kerala murals and nourish the appetite for the beautiful south Indian art. You will really enjoy it.To start with, this cartoon from a close friend of mine, which we used in our internal newsletter our flat may interest you.
Thank you for inviting to the new blog , I find this new space good for sharing the thoughts of the inside artist in all of us and I will try to contribute something enjoyable. The caption Artomania, yes, a good thought has gone into it.I take this opportunity to invite everybody to visit the site on Kerala murals and nourish the appetite for the beautiful south Indian art. You will really enjoy it.To start with, this cartoon from a close friend of mine, which we used in our internal newsletter our flat may interest you.
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